Aging up

>> Friday, April 25, 2008

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

Gabriel grew up yesterday. He's got the thin eyebrows of his mother and the lower face of his father. (Hopefully that means he'll grow into a looker too!)

Amberle was there of course to cheer him on. School is going to start the next time I play her, so she felt she should be there and get to know her future students.

Gabe is an adorable, typical, rambunctious little boy. Here they are over their first formal family dinner together where he's explaining about a fire breaking out at school. (Since he goes to Amber's school, I'm not surprised.)

Gabe is an okay student. His best friend is his teacher, but that doesn't mean she gives him special treatment.

Of course Gabe also spent his early years with Amberle. It seems a bit of her luck has rubbed off on him.

The little dog, Mimsy, also grew up. She seems to have taken a shine to Gabe, as he has to her. As far as the family is concerned, she is Gabe's dog.


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