Living vicariously through sims

>> Thursday, March 27, 2008

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

Sofia Stratton as a young adult

I love playing Sofia Stratton. Inteen was specifically picked up because of her.

Basically, inspiration for her character came from East of Eden's Kate. (Definitely the book, not the movie version.) Sofia's parents are both famous in their own rights. Sofia's mother is in acting and her father is a rock star. So when Sofia was younger her parents hardly had any time to spend with her.
Sofia as a child. She was quite precious and precocious.

To make up for it, Sofia had her own servo/nanny, Inge. But the two never really bonded. As a general rule, when Sofia saw someone out front of her house, she'd run out and greet them so that she could make friends with them. Most sims kind of patted her on the head with a chuckle until they realized she was serious! This girl knew what she wanted and would go after it with passion.

Sofia as a teen. Someone's trying too hard!

Imagine Sofia as a teen. She had a lot of years of lost affection to make up for. To make matters worse, her parents are a complete mess. They had another child since they were both at the top of their careers and they were able to devote more time to raising him. Until the divorce where Sofia's mother simply walked off the lot to not return (except to steal newspapers).

Her only gift from the one man she allowed to steal her heart

Sofia has truly fallen in love once and only once. She had her heart broken when he decided he'd go on the straight and narrow with someone who was not her. Since then, she's learned her lesson. What happened? Well... that may be another story for another time. Or maybe it is another story already. ^__~

Sofia is all about having fun. I just sent her away to college figuring it would be a good time to get to know people and see about making it on her own. Her first semester went well as she didn't do a lick of work. She's gotten friendly with her professor, and will only get friendlier next semester. Plus, she's already very influential with all the friends she's made.

Sofia getting friendly with her mother's new boyfriend

Sofia's been going on plenty of dates trying to eek by. She's also very close to the mayor, Richard Mellon. I hope he doesn't cross the line, but she keeps wanting to call him to chat and he keeps calling her up, and well... she's never up to any good.

I fear for her mother, to be honest. Her mother has never paid enough attention.


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