The next generation is go!

>> Sunday, March 30, 2008

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

Lots of work done today!

My dear Daniel Mellon graduated just the other day. Daniel is the child of Walter Mellon (Ann's twin brother) and Lucy Hanby, the maid. He is the second oldest of four other siblings (the eldest brother passed away due to a mishap with the cow plant) and grew up in a cabin out in the woods.

He went away to college to study agriculture. (Ok, so he went to college mostly because of pressure from his mother...)

But having a large family pays off! Daniel was having a hard time getting his farm started. For one, he couldn't care for all the plants on his own. Two, he has to pay rent to Cherry Smith each week, so he needs to find a way to make some money until his crops grow. Three, he could not afford to pay someone to help.

That's where his family came in! I use Simlogical's meeting controller to call his family over to his house in the evening for a few hours to help care for the plants.

To make money while his plants grow, Daniel has also become a bee keeper using PC Sms Beehive, which can be picked up at the sims 2 graveyard. I learned about it from Windlebridge.

Test business on the front lawn. Daniel now sell them from his garage so as not to clutter up the lawn.

Now selling them out right nets you $25. BUT if you sell them at an average price using OFB, you can get almost $100 per bottle of honey! And you can collect honey multiple times a day. So Daniel has almost paid off his $10,000 loan which he used to buy supplies to start his farm.

Ily Stratton became a teen today!

She is very much a girly girl.

I've never said, but the name I-L-Y (like Miley), which stands for "I Love You" was my niece's invention. I thought it was cute and gave my next girl that name.
Beautiful, no?

Bonnie's shop has been redecorated.

And the last bit, Bonnie is no longer Bonnie Stratton. She is now Bonnie Centowski. Yes, Bonnie is an honest woman. ^__^

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Profile: Bonnie Stratton

>> Saturday, March 29, 2008

Bonnie is one of those surprise break out sims. I didn't realize just how much I would love her that day her mother gave birth to her in the bathroom.

Even the delivery man ran in to watch

Bonnie's mother was single at the time of her birth, but she had her mother and step father there to help her out. Bonnie's mother, Christy Stratton, had been on edge for a long time. As a family sim, she wanted a big family surrounding her, but all her children had moved away. So having a young child in the house to take care of seemed to help Christy.
Bonnie as a child

Kimberly tried her best, but she was a young mother and she had needs also. I remember the day Bonnie came home from school to find her mother on a date. Kimberly had tried to leave when she realized Bonnie would be home soon, but she didn't quite call the taxi soon enough.

Bonnie threw down her homework in great distress and began to cry on the front lawn. It was then I realized she wanted to know who her father was. Her best friend, Daniel Mellon had a father.

After that, Bonnie was on the hunt.

Bonnie and her distant cousin, Water Mellon

Bonnie noticed how odd it was that she and a supposedly distant cousin looked so similar that teachers at school were beginning to ask them if they were siblings.

Bonnie began to wonder about Alec Mellon, the husband of the Legacy Heir. But she was quite unsure of how to approach the problem. She was only a kid afterall.

Alec Mellon as an adult

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Today Bonnie graduated and went off to join her boyfriend in their new apartment.

Bonnie's new family? Her father wants to be a part of her life.

Bonnie's family showed up, but it wasn't the family that raised her. At least a good time was had by all.

Bonnie gifting Sofia with a formal dress

Bonnie is now embarking on her new career as a seamstress. Already she has given out a few gifts. Knowing that Sofia is a determined woman and that she will most likely end up making a lot of money, Bonnie gave a gorgeous formal fitted gown made of satin in the hopes that Sofia will remember and call on her when she is in need of new clothes.

It's a deal made with the devil I tell you.

In a sweeter move, Bonnie gifted her little sister Ashley with a few outfits for her upcoming birthday. She also gave her sweet little sister a make over.

Bonnie's store promises to be very profitable. The margins are insane! A quilt costs around 400 to make and sells at an average price for 900. Bonnie will end up having to help her friend Daniel Mellon, I think. At least until he gets on his own feet.

But life is looking grand for my little Bonnie. Who knew she'd grow up so well after struggling through her teen years?

Bonnie as a teen

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Past and Present

>> Friday, March 28, 2008

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

The thing about my 'hood and the sims in it is that they all have a past that began with one sim. Yes, I began this hood as part of a legacy challenge because I was bored to death of my regular game play back when I only had the base game and knew nothing about custom content or hacks.
Poor Maria! She really had a tough time.

Lately, I've been trying to clean up my storytelling folder because it takes forever to load when I only want to take the last few pictures. So while I was moving, deleting, and re-organizing, I've been re-living the past of the neighborhood I somewhat forgot.

Family dinners are tradition
Pao and Maria were very much in love.

After starting out with such a rough life (back then there was no Uni to start with and no easy ways to make cash), I couldn't be mean to her and not let her have some peace.

Her children were to be another matter.

Robert and Tosha Go.

Oh no he di'n't!

I love the fact that my hood has grown from nothing. I've never been a big planner, but from the start the intent was to let my 'hood grow and see where we stood within 10 generations. Certainly after 10 generations the sims living in the 'hood would have some sort of an effect. Every life and every story comes out of a past they may or may not remember.

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Living vicariously through sims

>> Thursday, March 27, 2008

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

Sofia Stratton as a young adult

I love playing Sofia Stratton. Inteen was specifically picked up because of her.

Basically, inspiration for her character came from East of Eden's Kate. (Definitely the book, not the movie version.) Sofia's parents are both famous in their own rights. Sofia's mother is in acting and her father is a rock star. So when Sofia was younger her parents hardly had any time to spend with her.
Sofia as a child. She was quite precious and precocious.

To make up for it, Sofia had her own servo/nanny, Inge. But the two never really bonded. As a general rule, when Sofia saw someone out front of her house, she'd run out and greet them so that she could make friends with them. Most sims kind of patted her on the head with a chuckle until they realized she was serious! This girl knew what she wanted and would go after it with passion.

Sofia as a teen. Someone's trying too hard!

Imagine Sofia as a teen. She had a lot of years of lost affection to make up for. To make matters worse, her parents are a complete mess. They had another child since they were both at the top of their careers and they were able to devote more time to raising him. Until the divorce where Sofia's mother simply walked off the lot to not return (except to steal newspapers).

Her only gift from the one man she allowed to steal her heart

Sofia has truly fallen in love once and only once. She had her heart broken when he decided he'd go on the straight and narrow with someone who was not her. Since then, she's learned her lesson. What happened? Well... that may be another story for another time. Or maybe it is another story already. ^__~

Sofia is all about having fun. I just sent her away to college figuring it would be a good time to get to know people and see about making it on her own. Her first semester went well as she didn't do a lick of work. She's gotten friendly with her professor, and will only get friendlier next semester. Plus, she's already very influential with all the friends she's made.

Sofia getting friendly with her mother's new boyfriend

Sofia's been going on plenty of dates trying to eek by. She's also very close to the mayor, Richard Mellon. I hope he doesn't cross the line, but she keeps wanting to call him to chat and he keeps calling her up, and well... she's never up to any good.

I fear for her mother, to be honest. Her mother has never paid enough attention.

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An engagement!

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

Another one of my favorite sims got engaged today!

First let me show you this:

This was a small token of love from her boyfriend, Orlando Centowski. He has bought a cheap apartment in the new downtown area of Legacy Village and he has begun decorating the first floor shop so it will be ready when she graduates.

Orlando was so proud of himself, he called Bonnie Stratton over to show it off and to give her another little surprise.

Certainly she was surprised. Especially when he got down on one knee in front of her.

I just love sim expressions! I know some people hate how expressive they are because it borders on caricature, but I love it. Entertain me, don't give me real life.

Orlando is pretty much the only family Bonnie feels she has that she can count on. Hopefully her shop will do well, and they won't be alone for too long.

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My favorite sim

>> Monday, March 24, 2008

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

My Legacy Heir, Ann, as an elder

Ann is just a stinker.

She's a popularity sim, and she's always had a mind of her own. She was the first sim that I actually worked with to grant her Life Time Want, simply because I knew she'd be unhappy if I didn't.

Ann as an adult. Pretty, no?

As most popularity sims do, Ann often came up with wants that were counter to what I wanted for her. At her wedding to a sim I had chosen, she had the want to get married to her professor who she had her first woohoo with. And for a while into her marriage she wouldn't give it up. She wanted to call Prof. Ron, flirt with him, kiss him until the day she became an elder. (Although, he still makes surprise appearances in her wants from time to time.)

Ann as a young adult. She looked wild, but she spent all her time writing.

The first time she had a want that coincided with what I had planned for her was when she was in Uni. I wanted her to be my writer. I knew she had it in her. As soon as I sat her down at the computer and had her start writing, she rolled the want to write a great novel. And she's been writing them since.

Ann holding Water Mellon when he was a baby

Since I've gotten Bon Voyage, she's become a world traveller. Her vacations give the two of us more time together and give her more time to work on her books. For that reason, she has a vacation home in every vacation destination.

Ann's Family as it is now. From left to right: Green, Andrew, Ann, Alec (her husband) Caliburst. Front: Water

I used to be terrified of her becoming an elder. But for some reason I loved her even more once she had her full on birthday. Now she's like that spunky grandmother you hear about. The one who travels to odd places and has crazy stories to tell. You know, the one who openly speaks her mind and then says, "What does it matter? I'm going to die soon anyway."

Although, she won't if I can help it. (I think I will be truly sad on the day she passes away!)

Ann on her wedding day

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Water graduates

>> Sunday, March 23, 2008

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

After he passed his last final, Water celebrated by working on his menu for his some day restaurant. Steak au Jus, Lamb with potatoes, grilled fish and even chocolate ice cream were among the things he taste tested.

He held his graduation party the next day and invited all of his immediate family and the girl of his dreams.

It was a bit awkward. Demi could feel a bit of tension between her and the family. It seemed that Ann made no attempt to talk to her, and Water's brother completely ignored her even when she spoke to him.

But Water didn't let that ruin the party. He carried on, doing his best to make everyone feel welcome. And he managed to get at least two cute pics out of it all.

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Cherry opens a business

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

See this page for Cherry's story-- The Life of an NPC and, you know, the part below that has her name in it.

Basically, Cherry Smith is an NPC, and in my neighborhood to explain away NPCs and why they live forever I have made them into a sub group of sims that don't play by the rules of normal sims. NPCs can live forever and fill in the jobs no one else wants to do. The only reprieve for those NPCs is to get married or to move in with one of the sims I am playing.

Some NPCs are completely oblivious to this. (Poor Marylena Hamilton comes to mind.) But some are acutely aware of the static darkness that surrounds their lives. That would be where Cherry comes in.

So last night I had Cherry open an experimental business for me. It's a massage parlor, but it also has a bar in the lobby so you can have a drink while you wait. Plus it has a kitchen, so Cherry can serve food to her customers while they wait for an available table.

The massage part of the businesses was a success. I downloaded a hack from Sim Wardrobe to facilitate my business. Apparently, Maxis messed up the coding so that it was impossible to assign employees to the massage table.

I sold some massages last night at $500 a pop! Originally, I had wanted to set this up as a venue, but I think I'm going to do away with that aspect until later maybe. The employees who are assigned to the tables come out to select customers who are thinking about buying a ticket.

So definately it will take a little experimentation. What if Cherry gets to run the brothel first?

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Another fun play session

>> Saturday, March 22, 2008

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

Ann and her youngest son, Green went on vacation together. Green wants to be a writer just like his mother, and since he's actually been keeping his grades up, Ann agreed to take him with her on one of her trips.

Here they are at the witch doctor's house. Clearly, he needs a bit of help here.

Ily (That's ILY like Smiley ^-^) Stratton has discovered a love of music and dance. Looks like I have my future dance teacher.

This is Ily's famly before the birth of the youngest, Katherine. We have Isaac and Angie (the elders), Ash and Aurora, and Ethan and Ily, in her mother's arms. This family has become one of my most enjoyable to play. This family is one of those kind of families that's wealthy and influential, and each member is a genius in some way. Ily is great at music and dance, and Ethan is a sports fanatic.

This is also the kind of family that has pictures everywhere! Pictures of Ash and Aurora's wedding have been up in their home for a while. Since the kids are now older, pictures of the kids will begin to decorate their home. (Whatever will I do with all these pics? I may have to make a museum to contain all the "relics.)

On the coffee table next to the TV is the wedding album.

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>> Friday, March 7, 2008

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

Amberle's story continues here.

So now this is going to be more for just simple fun. No grand story lines. Just simple fun. :)

Here we have Water Mellon. (Yep, my silly Ann has a sense of humor and a cute husband who can't keep her in line, thus we get Water.)

He's actually grown into QUITE a looker! With such a handsome square face, and a sexy smile, he's all over the ladies. They simply flock to him (thanks to FT and the life time aspiration rewards.)

Since he was a teen, he's wanted to be a celebrity chef. School is finally over for him, and the fist thing he intends to do is make a name for himself in the career of his choice. He fully intends to come back to Legacy and open a totally amazing restaurant, the likes of which have not been seen.

Too bad his love life isn't so neat and clean. Through school, he's been having fun with various ladies of different flavors. Each one is a beautiful specimen in her own right. But when he met Demi Love, who came in to kidnap him for the Secret Society, he knew he had found the one for him.

He just wasn't sure how to find her! And let me tell you, she certainly was hard to find. But that might be a story for another day. ^_~

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