
>> Friday, January 2, 2009

Green stood at the bottom of the stairs after having tucked in his very pregnant wife. She was due any time now, and it was difficult to get her to listen to doctor's orders. Green had to finally just take her cell phone, her laptop, her PDA, and her files. Even then he had to practically lock her in her room to get her to stay put.

He'd had a small garden planted for her, a hint to her that she needed to slow down and smell the flowers. She only begrudgingly sat in the garden after she had rifled through his office to find her work tools and then became too tired to stand (but much too stubborn to sit with him as he worked on his newest novel).

Green put his head in his hands. She was wearing him out. As soon as the babies were born, he was sure that she would go straight back to work.

Just as Green was ready to head back to his office to continue working on his book, he heard a large crash from out front as if someone had just kicked the garbage can. Again. Only this time, he would catch the culprit!

Green burst out the door and ran over to the surprised girl who stood on his front lawn. Her eyes went wide at his approach and she raised a delicate hand. "Uhm... hi."

Green stopped short and stared at her for a short while. She looked so familiar, but in a way that felt like Deja Vu. "Did you just kick over my garbage can?"

"Uh... no? There was some guy who came along and kicked it. Then he ran off."

Green cursed under his breath. He was relatively sure that this girl had to be telling the truth. Why would she kick over his garbage can?

He focused on her, trying to remember where he had seen her before. "I know you..." Green thought back. He remembered her recently, just withing the last few phases. His thoughts stumbled around in circles as he tried to place her. He could feel the memory far off. It felt as if there were an invisible hole that his thoughts circled around.

"I know! You're Aden's girlfriend!"

He wasn't quite sure what the face she made meant (perhaps she and Aden were having some issues), but after a second of hesitation, she nodded.


T.Irwin January 3, 2009 at 12:00 AM  

Nice story line. So will we see more of the mysterious girlfriend? What's her drama?

The Lunar Fox January 3, 2009 at 1:47 AM  

Thank you! Really your posts are very encouraging. I'm still trying to get in the swing of things. :D

The Short story:
Elizabeth made the mistake of taking the first boy to show interest in her (Aden who is her fiancé). But her fling with Green was really passionate-- much more so than her relationship with Aden. I wonder if she and Green would have ended up together, but unfortunately plans were already in the works for Green.

Long story:
The whole Green and Elizabeth thing started here: That whole storyline was actually the result of my installing ACR.

But that was NOT what I had planned for Green. (Nor was it what his mother had planned.) So that lead to this storyline:

I have plenty planned already too. There are a few more Elizabeth entries, and I plan to find out what the heck is going to happen at her wedding. O_O

snarkysims February 26, 2009 at 8:03 AM  

He didn't even remember her? What a blow. Poor Elizabeth!

The Lunar Fox February 27, 2009 at 8:25 AM  

Not at all. Mr. Mickles is a powerful force if you don't know what you're doing.

bbop June 29, 2009 at 10:16 AM  

Oh, poor poor Elizabeth. I'm really starting to not like Green... even if it's not directly his fault!

And ooooohhh baby! I hope it's a girl.


The Lunar Fox July 1, 2009 at 10:06 AM  

I feel bad for Green. I didn't really make him very likable. But even in my head, he's a little bit of a dope, lol.

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