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>> Monday, May 12, 2008

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

Ann enjoys showing off the things she learns on her trips away. Here she is telling the Dragon Legend to her family. (Alec had already heard it a few times by then, but he must really love the way Ann glows when she shows off).

A dinner was also held to say goodbye to Green who headed off to college.

Alec headed back to work. It seems he's lost all interest in the job. He found out upon his return that his manager, Melissa Fancy, had recently passed while he was on vacation due to a mishap with a cow plant.

It wasn't enough Alec's first day back was greeted with this news, Armando Cox also quit. (Alec doesn't know that Armando has another "job" lined up with Mr. Big's syndicate.

Amberle also stopped by to visit with Ann and her family and to thank them once again for their support getting her school started.



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I'm a proudly nerdy girl who knows too much about X-Men and has stories running through her head when walking. This is really my first real attempt to share just a few of the stories that not only play in my head when walking, but play out when I'm playing my sims. I hope you enjoy. ^___^

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