Ann's trip day 4

>> Friday, September 12, 2008

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

Ann woke up early on her 4th day. She had to take a trip to the middle of the island to visit the ruins after all.

Here lies the temple ruins. Ann arrived just as the sun was beginning to rise.

The ruins are a beautiful lot done by V1nd1care at MTS2. There are offering plates to the various elements (from Parsimonious.)

Traditionally, young newly weds will come to the temple to pray-- men to the earth god for kindness and females pay to the water goddess for cleanliness.

Ann of course prayed to the god of fire to stay outgoing.

This little boy had way too much fun with the air balloons; where were his parents?

Ann went next door after visiting the temple so she could get a bite to eat and a cheap aerial view of the island.

While there, Ann struck up a conversation with a nother traveller across the way. I didn't know a sim could do that! I suppose Ann's prayer to the god was heard. She managed to make a new friend while on vacation.



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I'm a proudly nerdy girl who knows too much about X-Men and has stories running through her head when walking. This is really my first real attempt to share just a few of the stories that not only play in my head when walking, but play out when I'm playing my sims. I hope you enjoy. ^___^

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