Apartment life-- Better than the real thing

>> Sunday, August 31, 2008

These events take place before Tierra De Legado.

Bonnie and Orlando cleaning up the old place

Bonnie and Orland were the first of my sims to move into a proper apartment. The home I had them living in was more meant to be a store front than an actual home. So I converted it into a community lot. (This of course means that other sims will be able to stop by and buy custom creations from Bonnie's shop when I'm not playing Bonnie.

The apartment is much more spacious than the old place. Everyone has their own rooms, and they now have a proper kitchen and dining room. The place is about $2,000 a week (which is every Monday.) Perhaps this will change my rotation time line since rent might be forgotten on Mondays.
The apartment building has this lovely playground attached. Bonnie and Orlando are on the first floor to be close to the playground.

This is Amália's new bedroom.

Amália also had a birthday in the new home.

Amália as a toddler. It's hard to tell because her hair is brown, and her mother's is black, but she looks just like her mother.



My photo
I'm a proudly nerdy girl who knows too much about X-Men and has stories running through her head when walking. This is really my first real attempt to share just a few of the stories that not only play in my head when walking, but play out when I'm playing my sims. I hope you enjoy. ^___^

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