The Family Tree-- in text form

>> Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I started out using photo shop to create a family tree of images, but that's just too much work and I quickly ran out of room! So here's a version in text.

Gen 1 (deceased)

Pao Mellon(missing) + Maria Rodriguez = Robert (older) and Richard Mellon

Gen 2 (deceased)

Robert Mellon + Christy Stratton = Issac, Juan, and Kimberly(adopted) Stratton
2nd Marriage Christy Stratton + BJ Ryan = no children

Richard Mellon + Ivy Copur (adult not teen) = Precious, Ann and Walter(twins) Mellon

Gen 3

Issac Stratton (deceased) + Angie Mazza (deceased) = Aurora Stratton

Juan Stratton(old pic) + Lydia Stratton = Sofia and Tristin Stratton
2nd Marriage Juan Stratton + Jeanie(as young girl) (as adult) = Glenda and Maxen Stratton

Kimberly Stratton + Alec Mellon = Bonnie Stratton
Kimberly Stratton + Abjeheet Depriesse = Ashley Stratton
Kimberly Stratton + George (1st Marriage) = Aaron Stratton

Precious Mellon (deceased)+ Thomas (deceased) = Richard, Jr. Mellon
2nd Marriage Thoms Mellon + Cherry Smith = Jason Smith

Ann Mellon (gone mad?) + Alec (deceased)= Water and Green Mellon

Walter Mellon + Lucy Hanby = Stephan (deceased), Daniel, Aden, Phillip, Ariana and Adam (twins) Mellon
Stephen, Aden and Phillip all suffer from the First Born Syndrome, so they all look or will look like this as a teen.

Gen 4

Aurora Stratton + Ash = Ethan, ILY, Katherine Stratton

Richard, Jr. Mellon + Genesis Midlocke = Richard III and Gracie Mellon

? + ? = Gabriel
(Later adopted by Richard, Jr. and Genesis

Water Mellon + Demi Love (never married) = Melanie and Shannen Love

Green Mellon + Amanda Carlson = Pierce, Russel, and Lyrisa Ann (deceased) Mellon (triplets)

Bonnie Stratton + Orlando Centowski = Amália Centowski

Daniel Mellon + Orlando = Hobart (adopted) and Ivy Mellon (Though technically, her genetic matierial is only from Daniel)

Aden Mellon + Elizabeth Kauker = Not married yet, No children

Extra Characters

Amblerle Silverring



My photo
I'm a proudly nerdy girl who knows too much about X-Men and has stories running through her head when walking. This is really my first real attempt to share just a few of the stories that not only play in my head when walking, but play out when I'm playing my sims. I hope you enjoy. ^___^

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